Hippie Kids Blog — hippie kids

How we started our own business- Hippie Kids at only 16 & 18....
What is Hippie Kids? Hippie Kids is a womens and mens online and sometimes on wheels clothing store. Started by us, two sisters Scooby and Kissie at just the age of 18 and 16. With just a day dream and adventurous spirit we started our company Hippie Kids. If you have a dream thats the best place to start! Here's some things we first got going when we started Hippie Kids. Make a Business Plan It will help you get a better understanding of where you are with your business and where you would like to see it go. There...

How to do Coachella!
                    Coachella Weekend 2   Kissie and I have been reminiscing on last years Coachella. Cant believe its already been a year since this magical dream of a weekend happened. Last year we went on a whim and hoped on the plane to LA, then drove three 1/2 hours to the desert. Yes we slept in our car and ate cold pizza for breakfast, but it was one of the most magical weekends and totally worth it. So here are...
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