Why having an inspiring work space matters to be successful!

Okay I’m no expert but, I’m going to share some helpful tips I’ve learned along the way while being a business owner at Hippie Kids + what’s helped us in our office!

  For me it’s the little things- I remember when I was in school anything from a new pair of shoes to a fun eraser inspired me to work harder throughout the day. It may just be me, lol -but hey it worked! So now I’m in the real world and I’m finding the “things” I bring or wear, yes, inspire me to get going in the morning and through out the day. But the environment I work in really plays a role in my creative process and the way I work. Here at Hippie Kids we truly believe that the environment we work in affects our success + process. We believe that a fun, creative, vibrant workspace matters! So we recently spiced things up! Take a peek below! More fun to come!

 We believe having a positive, uplifting and encouraging environment is a must! Speaking life over yourself and your employees/business partners is key to success. So in our Hippie Kids office we have a motivation wall! Reminding ourselves we can! We got this! And we have the strength! And at the end of the day we’re girl bosses and we can do this! 



 Interesting article excerpt “ The environment can influence peoples' behavior and motivation to act. ... The environment can influence mood. For example, the results of several research studies reveal that rooms with bright light, both natural and artificial, can improve health outcomes such as depression, agitation, and sleep.” -University of Minnesota

There are many studies about how important your environment is for your health. So we decided to take these studies more seriously by implementing them into our space. 

 Lets be honest decor matters! Fun pieces matter in making a statement in your space while making you excited to be in that space. We picked up some really neat pieces by a company called Inside Weather! They are based out of California and all of their pieces are made there! With freaking amazing prices! I was in heaven searching through their site. I kind of got carried away and to be honest and want to decorate everything in my life with their stuff haha! You should definitely check them out! I bet you can guess which piece is from them! The cutest chair ever made 😍 Guys! Invest in your space because in reality your investing in your creative process and overall health.

Okay....You can never fill your space with too many plants! If you know us you know we freaking love plants! Did you know that there are many benefits to having plants in your home and office!


  • Reducing carbon dioxide levels.
  • Increasing humidity.
  • Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide.
  • Reducing airborne dust levels.
  • Keeping air temperatures down.
  • Create more oxygen 
  • help keep away mold


So the more plants the better!

STAY ORGANIZED! Something I truly struggle with, to try and keep up but "keep shop" at the same time. Staying organized has probably been my New Years resolution since 2014😂 so I’m still working on the key to this! But making a list each day has helped! And a calendar! Thats where I list goals for myself and business.

I hope this brings you some inspiration to make all your girl boss/ dude boss dreamy workspace happen! We are still working on ours and will share more details about it! But for now here’s are little nook where we design our tees! 



Our chair is the Vita Lounge Chair X Inside Weather

below is the link to where you can get this groovy piece!

btw customizable prints!   


Cactus Print in wooden frame is from TJMAX

Inspiration wall graphics found on Pinterest! 

Wooden stool + plant from Walmart 

Plants featured (paradise plant + aloe Vera) 

White office desk Ikea

All things wild and free mug Target 


Hope you caught some inspiration today + and create a dreamy space to dream! 


 Stay groovy,




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